Adventure Inward
Every technique offers you another piece of yourself. Selena offers a range of practices and techniques to bring her circle closer to themselves. Her mission is to connect each of you with your inner compass in a world that is always telling us how and who we ‘should’ be.
Her work artfully weaves the wisdom traditions into the complexities of modern life.
Selena believes that no single technique is the “right” technique for everyone and offers personal development coaching, yoga, meditation, embodiment practices, breathwork, and other practical techniques to guide each of us home to ourselves.
All of Selena’s offerings are aimed at ‘WHOLENESS.’ Inviting you to engage fully with all of the aspects of who you are. To live from your heart, connected to the wisdom of your body, your mind your finest instrument, and fully living in connection with others and the planet that supports us.
Her mission is for each of us to occupy our personal sphere of influence, to remember our connection to the greater whole and live the story we want to be told.
Free Five Day Journey With Selena
Experience a shift in your inner state in your free five day journey with Selena through breath, meditation, restorative yoga, and yoga Nidra.